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1892年纽约Cooper Union排华集会

已有 909 次阅读2023-3-3 13:21 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

配合 GEARYACT,1892年3月25日,纽约Cooper Union举行排华集会。

1892年,在纽约市联合广场(Union Square)举行了一次反华会议。当时,在美国,特别是在西部,对华裔移民日益产生了敌对情绪。这部分是由于经济萧条,导致高失业率和就业机会的竞争加剧。

反华运动受到各种团体的推动,包括工会,他们认为华裔移民是美国工人的威胁。《排华法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act)于1882年通过,已经限制了华裔移民进入美国,但这并没有平息反华情绪。

联合广场上的会议是由美国劳工联合会(American Federation of Labor)组织的,这是当时的一家知名工会组织。会议组织者邀请演讲者向人群发表讲话,表达他们反对华人移民的立场。许多演讲者使用种族主义和煽动性语言来谴责华裔移民,将国家的经济困境归咎于他们。



In 1892, there was an anti-Chinese meeting held in Union Square, New York City. At that time, there was a growing sentiment of hostility towards Chinese immigrants in the United States, particularly in the West. This was partly due to the economic depression in the country, which had led to high unemployment rates and increased competition for jobs.

The anti-Chinese movement was fueled by various groups, including labor unions, which saw Chinese immigrants as a threat to American workers. The Chinese Exclusion Act, passed in 1882, had already restricted Chinese immigration to the United States, but this did not quell the anti-Chinese sentiment.

The meeting in Union Square was organized by the American Federation of Labor, which was a prominent labor organization at the time. The organizers of the meeting invited speakers to address the crowd and voice their opposition to Chinese immigration. Many of the speakers used racist and inflammatory language to vilify the Chinese immigrants, blaming them for the country's economic woes.

The meeting attracted a large crowd of people, including some who supported the anti-Chinese sentiment and others who came to protest against it. There were clashes between the two groups, and the police had to intervene to maintain order.

The anti-Chinese movement continued to gain momentum in the following years, leading to the passage of more restrictive laws against Chinese immigration. It wasn't until the 1940s that the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed, and Chinese immigrants were allowed to enter the United States again.








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