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已有 1022 次阅读2023-1-24 04:59 |个人分类:AI|系统分类:随笔评论

all the 3 Lowell Mill investors made fortune from Opium smuggling to China, can you describe it ?

During the early 19th century, the opium trade was a major source of wealth for many American merchants, including the investors of the Lowell textile mills. Opium, which is a highly addictive substance derived from the opium poppy, was in high demand in China, and American merchants, including those in Lowell, became involved in the opium trade as a way to make a profit.

The opium trade between China and the United States was driven by the imbalance of trade between the two countries, as China had a large demand for American goods such as cotton textiles, but few American goods were in demand in China. To bridge this trade imbalance, American merchants began to smuggle opium into China to sell to Chinese consumers.

It is important to note that opium trade was illegal in China, but British and American merchants smuggled opium into the country, often through the use of opium dens, which were establishments where opium was sold and consumed.

It is said that Lowell Mill investors made a fortune from opium smuggling to China. However, it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, as the opium trade was illegal and records of it were not kept.

It is also important to note that the opium trade had a devastating impact on China, as it contributed to widespread addiction and social problems, and ultimately led to the Opium Wars between China and Britain.

It is important to note that opium trade has been a controversial issue in history and the Lowell mill investors were not alone in engaging in this illegal trade. Opium trade was a widespread practice among American merchants, and it was part of a larger economic and political context of trade between China and the US.

Cathy Huang
What are the correlations between opium profit and industrial revolution in America ? There is a correlation between opium profit and the industrial revolution in America in the sense that the opium trade helped to fuel the American economy during the mid-19th century. Opium was a major export commodity for American merchants, and the profits from opium sales were used to invest in new industries and technologies, such as textiles and railroads. Additionally, the opium trade also helped to finance American expansion into new markets around the world. However, it's important to note that opium was also a source of controversy and social upheaval in America, as it was associated with addiction and crime, and many social reformers sought to curb the opium trade.








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