1960, Department of History of the Nanjing University organized a
detailed investigation on the Nanjing Massacre that took place from
December 1937 to February 1938. In 1962, they compiled a historical record
"the Nanjing Massacre of Imperial Japan". The following is the
translation of a portion in the 1979 edition.
For more information about Nanjing Massacre,
see docs at: http://www.cnd.org/njmassacre
I translated this document because little about the Japanese war crimes in
China is known to the world due to many reasons. Japanese contsantly deny
these crimes and are trying to distort history by claiming that Japan
liberated Asian nations. They claim that Pearl Harbor was never a sneak
attack. And they also claim Nanjing massacre was a lie that the US used to
find excuses for dropping the A-Bombs on them. The war criminals
that led the Nanjing Massacre are enshrined by the the Japanese as 'martyr's.
Almost all of the murderers in Nanjing have not been brought to justice.
--- D. Y