Youths will remember invasion

Youths will remember invasion

Date: 02/17/97
Author: Japan
Page: 1

MOST Chinese youths say they will remember the history of Japan's invasion of China, an opinion poll shows.

The poll said 97.4 per cent of the 100,000 youths polled responded this way.

Responding to the questionnaire, 97.4 per cent of the youths said they think it is intolerable that some Japanese are ignoring the historical facts of Japan's brutal acts and are educating the younger generation in Japan with the same outlook.

The survey on "Chinese Youths Attitude Towards Japan" was conducted on December 4 by the China Youth Development Fund and China Youth Daily.

More than 100,000 youths in China and other overseas areas were surveyed; the average age of the respondents was 25.

In the poll, 76.4 per cent of the respondents said the sight of the Japanese flag reminded them of the viciousness of the Japanese invaders.

In recent years, some Japanese politicians have visited the Yasukuni Jinja Shrine, which holds the memorial tablets of some war criminals. These activities have shown a complete disrespect for the feelings of Asian people, the respondents believe.

Of those polled, 96.8 per cent said they felt great indignation about this.

In addition, 95.9 per cent of the respondents said they felt certain the Diaoyu Islands belong to China.

Most respondents said China should learn advanced science and technology and business management from Japan, and nearly all of them think friendly co-operation between the two countries is important for China and all of Asia. (Xinhua)